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Demo Submissions

TLDR: New stuff only, no promises. 

The label receives a large amount of unsolicited demo submissions, so we've outlined some of our best practices to improve your chances. We're not playing tough guy here, but if you want to be taken seriously, you should read and understand these points before reaching out. 

  • The best way to approach us is with a private streaming link to your complete, unreleased album. If it's already public, we probably aren't interested. Please plan ahead, get something new together that you're proud of, and share the work privately with us for consideration.
  • Due to the quantity of requests we cannot reply to every unsolicited demo submission. Sorry, sometimes we're swamped with orders, previous commitments or personal projects, or busy playing synthesizers, watering the garden, etc.
  • Please be patient. It takes time to work through the backlog and give everything the attention it deserves, but if we are genuinely moved by your work, you will likely hear back from us.
  • We're picky. It doesn't mean your music isn't cool, but we have limited time and very particular interests. Familiarize yourself with the history of the label catalog, and be sure that your project fits comfortably within our eccentric tastes.
  • It helps to mention why you'd like to work together. How did you find us? What's your favorite label release? Helps to feel like you know, y'know? 
  • We have an extreme ear, please try to blow our minds. If it's killer, then we might feel obligated to help make something cool happen. 
If this sounds good, please send your very best to: lightenupsounds(at)gmail(dot)com